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Samsung note3[ROM]CM14[Android 7.1.1]25thDec Trader418 unofficial cm14.1 [ALPHA]

Trader418 unofficial CM14

This is an early cm14 port for the HLTE. Most features working!

I tweet when i release updates and other information. @trader418dev

I do not have a crazy amount of time to pour into this rom, I work on it when I am free.

The kernel included in this rom is forked from temasek's kernel (thank you temasek). Source for the kernel included is found on my github here.

At the moment this rom supports HLTE/TMO/CAN (GSM) (but has only been tested on HLTE SM-n9005), I do plan on compiling a cdma build for SPR and VZW in the future.

This rom isn't ready for daily use yet in my opinion. 

What works:
- Wi-fi
- Calling
- Camera 
- Cell data

What doesn't work:

Not tested extensively. 

This is a userdebug build - therefore it does come with root embedded. 

Requires at least an Android 4.3 (or higher) bootloader. 

So you still want the download after being told this is NOT a daily driver? 
Download Links:
Rom - Android File Host && BasketBuild
Gapps - - Tested with arm - 7.1 - pico

1. Wipe system, data, cache, dalvik
2. Flash rom
3. Flash Gapps (I have only tested with PICO from
4. Reboot



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